Thursday 13 April 2017

Twitter rejects US effort to unmask anti-Trump users

Twitter rejects US effort to unmask anti-Trump users

WASHINGTON: Twitter filed suit Thursday against the US government, asking a court to back its refusal to hand over the identities of users claiming to be dissenting federal employees.
The lawsuit revealed that the Department of Homeland Security and US Customs and Border Protection had sought the unmasking of the @ALT_USCIS account holder who has been criticizing President Donald Trump´s administration.
The suit could portend a contentious battle between the social network and the US administration over efforts to crack down on government leaks.
The account in question claims to be run by one or more current employees of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which is a unit within Homeland Security.
It is one of several "alternative" handles created after Trump´s inauguration in January which were purported to be from government workers, in some cases revealing data the new administration was seeking to suppress or remove from official websites.
"The rights of free speech afforded Twitter´s users and Twitter itself under the First Amendment of the US Constitution include a right to disseminate such anonymous or pseudonymous political speech," says the lawsuit filed in a California federal court.
The government "may not compel Twitter to disclose information regarding the real identities of these users without first demonstrating that some criminal or civil offense has been committed," it said.
The so-called social media resistance movement began after the deletion of tweets and data from official US accounts and websites which proved embarrassing to the new president, including government reports on climate change.
Some took to Twitter with "alternative" handles -- claiming to be federal e
mployees exercising their free-speech rights -- and the resistance mushroomed into a movement.
Twitter´s lawsuit noted that "those who speak through these ´alternative agency´ accounts do so pseudonymously, often going to considerable lengths to avoid disclosing their real identities" for fear of retribution.
"Such fears are likely to be especially great for users of ´alternative agency´ accounts who are currently employed by the very agency that is a principal target of the commentary, in light of the retaliation, harassment, or even loss of livelihood that might occur if their real identities became known to their superiors," the complaint said.
Twitter said the government agencies, in seeking the identities of the account holders, would be "unlawfully abusing a limited-purpose investigatory tool," and asked the court to invalidate any summons for the data.
The American Civil Liberties Union praised Twitter´s action, tweeting: "We´re glad Twitter is pushing back. We´ll be going to court to defend this user´s right to anonymous speech."
The US Justice Department did not immediately respond to an AFP query. Twitter had no additional comment beyond the lawsuit.


Breaking News from Facebook Headquarters

Facebook Is Looking In Behavior of Deleting Fake Accounts 

SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook on Wednesday said it has started weeding out bogus accounts by watching for suspicious behavior such as repetitive posts or torrents of messages.

The security improvement was described as being part of a broader effort to rid the leading social network of hoaxes, misinformation, and fake news by making sure people are who they claim to be.

"We´ve found that when people represent themselves on Facebook the same way they do in real life, they act responsibly," Shabnam Shaik of the Facebook protect and care team said in a blog post.
"Fake accounts don´t follow this pattern, and are closely related to the creation and spread of spam."
Accounts suspected of being bogus are suspended and holders asked to verify identifies, which scammers typically don´t do, according to the California-based social network.
In France, the new tactic has already resulted in Facebook taking action against 30,000 accounts believed to be fakes, Shaik said.
"We´ve made improvements to recognize these inauthentic accounts more easily by identifying patterns of activity -- without assessing the content itself," Shaik said.
"With these changes, we expect we will also reduce the spread of material generated through inauthentic activity, including spam, misinformation, or other deceptive content that is often shared by creators of fake accounts."
Under pressure to stymie the spread of fake news, Facebook has taken a series of steps including making it easier to report such posts and harder to make money from them.
Facebook also modified its displays of trending topics to find stories faster, capture a broader range of news, and help ensure that trends reflect real world events being covered by multiple news outlets.
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg has sought to deflect criticism that the huge social network may have been used to fuel the spread of misinformation that affected the 2016 US presidential race.
Facebook last week unleashed a new weapon in the war against "revenge porn" at the social network as well as the messaging services Messenger and Instagram.
When intimate images shared on Facebook without permission are reported, confirmed and removed, the company will use photo-matching technology to prevent copies from being shared again on its platform.

Malala Got the Canadian Nationality and Said She Will Come Back to Pakistan Soon.

Malala Got the Canadian Nationality and Said She Will Come Back to Pakistan Soon.

OTTAWA: Icon of girl students’ courage, Malala Yousafzai said she is proud of Pakistan and vowed to take it to newer heights.

“I am proud of Pakistan and I miss Pakistan. We are Pakistanis and we will take our country forward,” she pledged, adding that she will come to Pakistan soon.
In an exclusive interview to Geo News, Malala, the youngest person to receive the honourary citizenship of Canada, stressed that terrorists do not represent her country.
“Women, who stand up for their rights, including myself, represent Pakistan. Terrorists do not represent my country,” she said.
She said, said strong women who stand up for their rights, not terrorists, are the true representatives of Pakistan
Malala has called upon the men to play their role in resolving women issues at micro and macro level.
“Issues related to women are global, they are not limited to any specific country or to any particular society. So men have to play a role in this and they should come out and work with the community leaders for educating girls at least up to twelve years of compulsory education,” she said while addressing a reception hosted for her by the High Commissioner of Pakistan, Tariq Azim Khan.
She said, “If my father had not allowed me to speak out, I would not have been allowed to come here and speak here and be who I am today”.
She said, “Although my country Pakistan is making steady progress in education and women emancipation but we need to put together all our efforts to deal with the forces which are against girls’ education”.
She urged Canadians to open their hearts for refugees as they flee oppression in their own countries. She appealed the international community to open their doors for Syrian refugees and for all those people who leave their homes in search for peace.
She said, “If my father had not allowed me to speak out, I would not have been allowed to come here and speak here and be who I am today”.
She said, “Although my country Pakistan is making steady progress in education and women emancipation but we need to put together all our efforts to deal with the forces which are against girls’ education”.
She urged Canadians to open their hearts for refugees as they flee oppression in their own countries. She appealed the international community to open their doors for Syrian refugees and for all those people who leave their homes in search for peace.

US drops biggest non-nuclear bomb in Nangarhar

US drops biggest non-nuclear bomb in Nangarhar

Trump calls mission ‘very, very successful’; Mother Of All Bombs dropped by MC-130 transport plane; US military declines to immediately provide additional details on strike; General Nicholson terms bomb ‘right munition’ to reduce IS obstacles


WASHINGTON: The US military on Thursday dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb ever deployed in combat, targeting an Islamic State complex in Afghanistan, the Pentagon said.
US President Donald Trump called the mission “very, very successful”.The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb hit a “tunnel complex” in Achin district of Nangarhar province, US Forces Afghanistan said in a statement.
The strike occurred at 7:32 pm (1502 GMT).“The GBU-43/B is the largest non-nuclear bomb ever deployed in combat,” Air Force spokesman Colonel Pat Ryder said.Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump said the bomb was delivered via an MC-130 transport plane.
General John Nicholson, who heads US Forces Afghanistan, described the weapon as the “right munition” to reduce the IS obstacles and maintain the momentum against jihadists in the region.
“As ISIS-K’s losses have mounted, they are using IEDs, bunkers and tunnels to thicken their defense,” he said, referring to a regional affiliate of the jihadist group.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer said: “We must deny them operational space, which we did.”The MOAB is better known by its nickname, the Mother of All Bombs, and was rapidly developed in 2002-2003 around the time of the US-led invasion of Iraq.
The US military on Tuesday said an American special forces soldier had been killed while conducting operations against IS in Nangarhar, though it was not clear if Thursday’s strike was connected in any way.
Military officials declined to immediately provide additional details on the strike.Nangarhar, which borders Pakistan, is a hotbed of IS militancy. US forces have conducted a number of air strikes on jihadist bases in the area since August last year.
IS, notorious for its reign of terror in Syria and Iraq, has been making inroads into Afghanistan in recent years. But the group has been steadily losing territory in the face of heavy pressure both from US air strikes and a ground offensive led by Afghan forces.
Islamic State’s strength in Afghanistan has fallen to 600-800 fighters from 3,000 in early 2016, Nato has said, adding that it killed the top 12 IS commanders in the country last year.
According to the Air Force, the last time the MOAB was tested in 2003, a huge mushroom cloud could be seen from 20 miles (32 kilometers) away.

RAW kidnapped Pak Army retired officer From Nepal

RAW kidnapped former Pakistan Army officer, sources say 

ISLAMABAD: India’s intelligence agency RAW is behind the kidnapping of  the retired Pakistan Army officer Muhammad Habib Zahir,  sources told.
Reports of the involvement of RAW in the kidnapping of retired Army officer surfaced today.
Earlier in the day, the Foreign Office had voiced doubt that spy agency of an enemy country had been involved in the abduction of Muhammad Habib Zahir.
The ex-army officer had traveled to Nepal in pursuit of employment from where he went missing. Family sources said that Zahir had last made contact with them on April 6.
The retired army officer was received by a man named Javaid Ansari on arrival at the Kathmandu airport on April 6, according to FIR registered by Saad Habib, the son of Habib Zahir.
Zahir had received a call via internet for interview from a telephone number registered in the UK, his family and friends said.
Source said that the email and the website were hosted by a company called BigRock. The said company is registered in India.
One Mark Thompson had contacted Habib Zahir over phone and offered job at Start Solution Dot Biz.  Thompson had invited Zahir for an interview to Nepal


Pak Army 198 corps Confrence Rawalpindi

Breaking News:

No Compromise on Anti-Pakistan Activities

RAWALPINDI: A Corps Commanders Conference was held here on Thursday, which reviewed the national and regional situation and concluded that there would be no compromise on anti-state activities in Pakistan

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Donald Trump Deported Muslims

Donald Trump

Donald Trump asked Muslims to get out of his country

Now the decision is in your hand
Is this justice???

Wednesday 12 April 2017

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